Friday, April 4, 2008

Americans polled realize a U-turn is in order

News keeps getting worse for the country, and Americans nationwide are being to see the fissures in the way things have been run for the past seven years.

In a New York Times/CBS News poll conducted between March 28 and April 2, 81 percent of Americans thought the country had “pretty seriously gotten off the wrong track.”

The New York Times and CBS News conduct this poll with the same exact questions every month or so. The last time so many people disapproved of the direction of the nation was back in the early 1990s.

Guess who was president then? No really, take a wild guess.

Now, you should always be wary of polls. I mean, what does the average American know? They act on emotion, can be easily swayed by long-winded, impassioned speeches.

Seriously, what is wrong with this country? The liberals would have you think everything is crumbling! Run and hide. And the poll reflects that.

Get this, the most important problem facing the country in this poll is the economy. Give me a break. The economy is fine, even if 66 percent polled think we’re in a recession.

A recession is such a nasty word anyway. Instead, let’s use phrases like, a resting economy, or out-to-lunch economy.

This is so silly, I mean the economy. It’s not like 80,000 people lost their jobs in March or anything, or that the national unemployment rate rose to 5.1 percent – the third month in a row that those numbers are on the rise.

If that doesn’t sell you that this poll is a liberal-created façade, look at this number – 28 percent approve of President George W. Bush’s job.

Come on people! He invaded Iraq and look how safe we are now. Got to give credit you know, we haven’t had a terrorist attack on the American mainland - cough - homeland since the Anthrax scares.

Not that the war or national security cost the country that much. I mean numbers are numbers, and $600 billion is just another number.

Seriously though, to see this kind of concern before the economy really hits the fan should cause concern. This is simply the consequence of cutting taxes, waging wars across the world and subsidizing industries that make tons of money in the first place. Perhaps we should re-evaluate those policies instead of the ingenious “stimulus” package that treats symptoms and not the disease.

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